How to iterate through JSON arrays in Bash using jq

· Thomas Taylor

Learn the simple process of iterating through a JSON array in bash with the help of jq.

Iterate through a JSON array using jq

Scenario: You have a file named projects.json contains an array named “projects” that you want to iterate through.

 2	"projects": [
 3		{
 4			"name": "project 1",
 5			"owner": "owner 1",
 6			"id": 1,
 7			"version": "2.3.0"
 8		},
 9		{
10			"name": "project 2",
11			"owner": "owner 1",
12			"id": 2,
13			"version": "1.54.0"
14		},
15		{
16			"name": "project 3",
17			"owner": "owner 2",
18			"id": 3,
19			"version": "4.9.2"
20		}
21	]

To achieve this, you can use the bash snippet below:

1jq -c '.projects[]' projects.json | while read i; do
2    echo "$i"

The command uses jq to extract each object in the “projects” array and then uses a while loop to iterate through the extracted objects. The echo statement prints each object.

The output will be:

1{"name":"project 1","owner":"owner 1","id":1,"version":"2.3.0"}
2{"name":"project 2","owner":"owner 1","id":2,"version":"1.54.0"}
3{"name":"project 3","owner":"owner 2","id":3,"version":"4.9.2"}

Iterate through a JSON array using jq and associative arrays in Bash

If your version of bash supports associative arrays, you can use an alternative approach:

1readarray -t projects < <(jq -c '.projects[]' projects.json)
2for i in "${projects[@]}"; do
3    echo "$i"

This command stores each object from the “projects” array in an associative array called projects. Then, it uses a for loop to iterate through the objects and echo to print each object.

The output will be the same as before:

1{"name":"project 1","owner":"owner 1","id":1,"version":"2.3.0"}
2{"name":"project 2","owner":"owner 1","id":2,"version":"1.54.0"}
3{"name":"project 3","owner":"owner 2","id":3,"version":"4.9.2"}


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